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The 34th most common last name in China.
There are three main origins of the Dengs. 1) Descendents of Xia Yu.
The great grand son of Xia Yu, Zhong Kang, awarded his son, the duke of Deng in Gu Deng Lin
(south of Deng Zhou in HeNan), during the Xia Dynasty. The kingdom lasted more than 800 years and
was brought to an end by Emperor Zhou Zhong Ding of the
Zhou dynasty, and the people began to bear the last name Deng. 2) Descendents of the
Shan Dynasty; Shan Wu Ding made his uncle duke, in the land of
Man. The kingdom was renamed Deng. In 648 B.C., the Deng kingdom was eliminated by Chu.
3) During the Five Dynasties, the king of Nan Tang Li Hou Zhu
awarded his 8th son Li Cong Yi as the duke of Deng. After Nan Tang was eliminated,
the people of the Deng kingdom became fugitives and used Deng as their last name (instead of Li)
to avoid persecution.
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