Please Visit Our Sponsor Gift Shop Lettuce Wrapped Shrimp Copyright Yutopian 2000 Ingredients: One pound of shrimp, two ounces of Cashew nuts, one apple, half a potato, one head of lettuce, fried wonton skin (optional), green onion, one table spoon of cornstarch.Spices: one small tea spoon of salt, half a tea spoon of MSG (optional), one table spoon of cooking wine, a pinch of white pepper powder.Procedure: 1) Shell and clean shrimp. Let dried.2) Chop up the shrimp into small pieces (but not too small). Mix with corn starch. 3) Fry cashew nuts, and dry them on paper towel. Put cashew nuts in a plastic bag and crush with the blade of a cleaver. Bland shrimp in oil and drain. 4) Wash and clean lettuce. Separate leaves and cut into round shapes (see picture). Cut apple and potato into tiny cubes. Chop up green onion. 5) Heat up the wok and pour one table-spoon of oil into the wok. Add shrimp, apple and potato and stir-fry quickly. Add green onion and spices. Remove contents to a bowl. Add cashew nuts and fried wonton skin (optional). 6) Serve by putting the shrimp mixture onto the lettuce. Back to Cooking Page. Bookmark This Page Send This Page To A Friend Place Your Ad Here For As Little As $1 Per Day About Us | Add URL | Advertise with Us | Auction | Awards | Contact Us | Discussion Forum | Links | Search This Site | Send This Page | Shop | Top Ten Sites Copyright 2000 Yutopian, All Rights Reserved |