American Go AssociationAlexa Traffic Ranks
How is this site ranked relative to other sites?
Global Rank
Alexa Traffic Rank
A rough estimate of
this site's popularity.
The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to
this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination
of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Updated Daily
Rank in United States
Traffic Rank in Country
A rough estimate of this site's popularity in a specific country.
The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors
to this site and pageviews on this site from users from that country over the
past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews
is ranked #1 in that country.
Updated Daily
Audience Demographics
How similar is this site's audience to the general internet population?
Audience Geography
Where are this site's visitors located?
Visitors by Country
Country | Percent of Visitors | Rank in Country |
United States | 74.7% | 345,479 |
Search Traffic
What percentage of visits to this site come from a search engine?
Search Visits
Top Keywords from Search Engines
Which search keywords send traffic to this site?
Keyword | Percent of Search Traffic |
1.  go | 51.96% |
2.  go\ | 2.87% |
3.  go] | 2.64% |
4.  software | 2.31% |
5.  go' | 1.45% |
Upstream Sites
Which sites did people visit immediately before this site?
Site | Percent of Unique Visits |
1. | 34.5% |
Total Sites Linking In
890Site | Global Rank | Page | |
1. | | 108 | |
2. | | 102 | |
3. | | 351 | |
4. | | 540 | |
5. | | 231 | Program?q... |
Traffic rank for
Traffic Rank | Change | ||
3 month | 1,315,095 | - | We do not have enough data to display this metric for this site. |
Estimated percentage of global pageviews on
Pageviews % | Change | ||
3 month | 0.0000015% | - | We do not have enough data to display this metric for this site. |
Estimated percentage of global internet users who visit
Reach % | Change | ||
3 month | 0.00009% | - | We do not have enough data to display this metric for this site. |
Estimated percentage of visits to that consist of a single pageview:
Bounce % | Change | ||
3 month | 72.3% | - | We do not have enough data to display this metric for this site. |
Estimated daily unique pageviews per user for
Pageviews/User | Change | ||
3 month | 1.5 | - | We do not have enough data to display this metric for this site. |
Estimated daily time on site (mm:ss) for
Time on Site | Change | ||
3 month | 1:21 | - | We do not have enough data to display this metric for this site. |
Estimated percentage of visits to that came from a search engine:
Search % | Change | ||
3 month | 21.3% | - | We do not have enough data to display this metric for this site. |
Site Description
Includes news, links, and information.
195 W Broad St
Salunga, PA 17538
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