God Allows Human to Work with Him in His Salvation
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God Allows Human to Work with Him in His Salvation
The concept of Inerrancy of the Scripture (the written word), Virgin
Birth of Jesus Christ (the living word) and Predistination
(the promise of salvation) are three important doctrines in Christianity, that are not
easily understood. Here, we attempt to show the similarities between these
three seemingly unrelated subjects, in an attempt to understand how God
operates in revealing His love and grace towards us. All three of the about concepts share certain parallelism as follows
They are the products between divine and human.
The end products in all three cases are perfect, flawless.
They all involve mysteries that are not comprehensive to humans
because of our limitation in our fallen state. Mysteries: Virgin birth;
God allows the Scripture authors freedom in writing, but the end product
(the Bible) is inerrant; God chose us before we were born, but we are held responsible for our choosing Him.
The Written Word (Bible)
The Living Word (Jesus)
The Promised Word (Salvation)
Holy Spirit
Authors (fallible)
Mary (with human sin)
Fallen Man (death)
End Product
Scripture (infallible)
Jesus in flesh (sinless)
Eternal Life (deathless)
Moved or superintended (2 Tim 3:16, 2 Peter 1:19-21)
Overshadowed (Luke 1:26-35)
Chosen (Roman 9:15, John 6:44)
Free to express in style and
Mary's role as mother of Christ (Luke 1:38)
Ability to choose (Genesis 4:7)
The three important elements of Christianity, namely the
written word, the living word and salvation, all share the similarities that they are the products between divine and man, and the final products are
perfect; not that God needed us, but He reaches down to us to show us His
grace and love. From the similarities, we learn how God operates. He involves human interaction so that we can understand Him from our human perspective; His word through human authors, His love through Jesus in flesh, and His grace through the acknowledgment of our own sin. Although all three concepts involve mysteries not fully understood by human, we can all marvel at His sovereignty and almighty
power and thank Him for His grace and love; none of which we deserve.