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The most common last name in China. The origin of the Wang name is quite complicated and it could have come from one of the following seven sources, 1) came from the last name Ji, descents of Zhou Wen Wangs 15th son Hua Gong Gao, 2) came from the last name Wei (see last name Chen), descents of Emperor Di Shun, 3) came from the last name Zi, descents of Prince Zi Bi Gan of Shang Dynasty, 4) foreign names- e.g., Wang of Korea, 5) descents of the royal family (Wang in Chinese means King), 6) given name- e.g. the grandson of Yan Wang Dan was given the name Wang by Wang Mang during the Han Dynasty, 7) fake names- e.g., the actual last name of Wang Shi Chong of Sui Dynasty was Zhi; the actual name of Wang Bao Yi of the Five Dynasties was Liu Qu Fei. (Wang means king).
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