- Winner of numerous international computer Go tournaments.
- The result of twenty years research and development.
- Five levels of play from beginner to expert.
- Handicap option.
- Board sizes 9x9, 13x13 and 19x19.
- Load and Save options.
- Step back/forwards to any point in the game.
- Works on Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP or Linux (with Wine)
 Just some of the trophies won by Go++
tournament record: Computer Olympiad 2002 Maastricht,
Holland - winner 21st Century Cup 2001 York, USA -
winner CGF 1999 Tsukuba, Japan - winner Ing 1999
Shanghai, China - winner Internet Computer Go Ladder - first
Top 3 placing in every tournament entered since 1996
Wins greater than 50% of games against all known commercial rivals
Independently ranked #1 Go software in rec.games.go F.A.Q.