A legendary work by a legendary player...
"Razor-sharp" Sakata, so long at the forefront of the go world, produced,
when he was at the height of his powers,
a classic text on the theme of killing stones.
This work went through more than 100 printings during the late 60s!
Sakata conveys, with exquisite erudition, the thrill of the chase and
the satisfaction of the winner when a well-planned attack bears fruits.
At the same time, he offers a thumbnail sketch of the history of Go through
the ages, masterpieces of attack from his own and others' games, fascinating
glimpses into the nature of offbeat joseki
and the shape of stones, as well as classic games which he fully annotates.
One is the famous game between Meijin Shusai Honinbo and Karigane Junichi,
hailed as a "group- capturing masterpiece
played between the top players" of the day.
This book is filled with murderous attacks, fatal stratagems
and cutthroat technique, a special section tests the reader while analyzing
in depth a classic.
Sakata also fully
annotates first game he played without a handicap against Go
This tour de force has been supplemented with a glossary and index,
invaluable for beginners and aficionados alike, which greatly enhances
its value as a reference resource. 238 pages.
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