Please Visit Our Sponsor Gift Shop Prediction of Thermal Acoustic Oscillations (TAOs) in the CLAES Solid CO2 / Neon SystemS.W.K. Yuan and I.E. Spradley Research and Development Division Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Co. Palo Alto, CA 94304, U.S.A. ABSTRACT A study was initiated to investigate the possibility that the existence of TAOs in the Cryogenic Limb Atmospheric Etalon Spectrometer (CLAES) neon plumbing system ground configuration could be the cause of higher-than-predicted heat rates measured during thermal ground testing. This study consisted of both analysis and a series of lab tests which were performed using Lockheed's Small Insulation Test Calorimeter (SITC) filled with solid Neon. The tests were conducted between warm boundary temperatures ranging from 40 K to 100 K which simulated the actual test conditions of the CLAES CO2 / neon system. TAOs were observed between 6 and 106 torr which agreed with the analytical predictions and verified the possible existence of TAOs in the CLAES system during ground testing. The presence of TAOs was eventually confirmed in the CLAES system during a subsequent thermal test and were determined to have caused the higher heat rates measured during the prior thermal test. It was also confirmed through analysis and testing that the TAOs would not be present during orbital conditions and thus not affect the CLAES lifetime. Download this Paper Do You Know Someone Who Needs A Job in Engineering, Physics or Chemistry? About the author- Dr. Sidney Yuan is a consultant in the field of Low Temperature Physics and Cryogenics, and has written a Book on Cryogenics and published extensively in the field. E-Mail. Bookmark This Page Send This Page To A Friend Place Your Ad Here For As Little As $1 Per Day About Us | Add URL | Advertise with Us | Auction | Awards | Contact Us | Discussion Forum | Links | Search This Site | Send This Page | Shop | Top Ten Sites Copyright 2000 Yutopian, All Rights Reserved |